Complaints Procedure

Complaints Procedure

If you have a complaint, please contact us with the details to ‘’

Alternatively, please write to us at our Holmfirth Office address.

* We will then send you a letter acknowledging receipt of your complaint within 7 days of receipt.

* Jonathan Paul Philmore will be notified of your complaint and review the relevant file(s) to try and address the subject matter of your complaint.

* Following his review, Jonathan Paul Philmore will respond to your complaint within 14 days of receipt.

* If this letter does not provide an adequate response to your complaint, you will be invited to attend a meeting at our office to discuss, and hopefully resolve, your complaint.

* If you do not wish to attend a meeting or it is not possible for you to do so, we undertake to carry out any further investigations you require and to respond within 14 days of your written request for this additional information to be provided.

* If at the conclusion of our investigations you are still unhappy with our explanations, or our suggestions for resolving your complaint, you may refer to the handling of the complaint to the Insolvency Service via their Gateway scheme.

 The contact details are as follows:


Telephone: 0845 6029848

Post: The Insolvency Service, IP Complaints, 3rd Floor, 1 City Walk, Leeds, LS11 9DA.

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